Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A beautiful day

I was wondering today, on the inauguration of our 44th President, how much Tia would understand if I tried to tell her what was happening. We never really watch 'regular' TV, so she knew something was going on since I had news on all morning. I tried to explain to her that we had a new President. She asked what a President was. I tried to explain that too, to no avail.

We missed the actual swearing in and speech because I promised the girls we would go to the Parent-Tot Center today. I was sad to miss it but knew I could catch it later on the internet. Upon arriving at the school, Tia looked up and said with a big smile "Look Mom, that's the 'merican flag". I said "Yes you're right, isn't it beautiful?". Her response was "Yes Mommy, I really love it". I said "Me too, I love it because when you see that flag, it means you're in America, that's where we live and that's a good thing". She said "Me too Mom, I love 'merica".

I think my job here is done.

1 comment:

The Sugden Kids said...

I love 'merica' too~

so sweet!! :)