Friday, July 15, 2011

So Much Summer Fun!

I couldn't believe how long it had been since I posted anything on here, and then I remembered how busy we've been just enjoying summer!

We've been out and about EVERY single day.  We had such a cold winter that it was my mission to get out there and truly enjoy the weather as soon as it got nice.  So that's what we've been doing.
The girls are so nice and brown, even with SPF 50.  Gia says "We're getting our Vitamin D"!

Our favorite thing to do in the summer has been "Art in the Park".  We go to our neighborhood park every Wednesday, do arts and crafts projects, have lunch, and play.  It's sponsored by the local Park District, and the kids look forward to this every year.

Here's a sampling of what they've been up to...

Tia making a flag pin

Gia loves anything that involves paint!

Tia's necklace and note for Nonna

Gia's note and gifts for PaPa
As you can see they really get into their projects.  I have a couple of artists on my hands.
There's so much more we've done, and more pictures to share, but I'll save all that for the next post.

We hope you're all having a wonderful summer too!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I miss those days! Taking the kids out. My kids are cooped up in the house all day. I worry about them not going out at all. Do drop in our house once in a while and give my kids company. Zara keeps asking about Tia and Jiji whenever I show her their pics. And Noah used to have so much fun with them at our place!

Ronda said...

Oh Nilu, we miss you guys so much! Anna and I were just talking about how you have ruined our summer 2 years in a row now! ha ha.
We'll get together soon.