Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Part One

We've celebrated Valentine's Day so much over the past couple of days that I think I might have to do 2 posts on it.  We usually make a big deal out of V-day for the girls, but this year even more so because the grand folks are in town.  I swear it's like Christmas (almost) around here.
In keeping with our family tradition, the kids woke up on Sunday morning to a table full of surprises...

all smiles when they realized what day it was!
A few presents for V-Day...OK, a little more than a few but really it's because Nonna and I both put together gift bags.  We don't normally go this overboard!

cool new hat and tights.

of course books are always involved in our celebrations.
Notice there was no candy or chocolate involved.  They didn't miss it one bit, instead enjoying new books, barrettes and tights.  All things they needed anyway.

However, what would a celebration be without cake?  Tia enjoyed making it.  Gia enjoyed eating it!

Thank God for sugar free frosting!
she had no interest in eating it.

My Valentine
 Since we have two very willing baby sitters staying with us, the hubby and I were able to go out on a hot date (matinee movie).  We were back in time for dinner with the family.

Since today is actually Valentine's Day, we had heart shaped, red pancakes and red apple sauce for breakfast.  We're so dorky!
Tonight is our fancy, candle-lit dinner in the formal dining room that we do every year.  If I remember to take pictures, there will be a 'part 2' post tomorrow.

I hope you had a special Valentines-Day with your family!

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