Friday, November 12, 2010

Time Flies...When You're Having Fun!

This year it snuck up on me.  D.R. had to remind me.  It was the 4 year anniversary of the day we moved into our new house in Illinois.  We have a tradition where we celebrate this day by having a 'fancy' dinner at home.  With such short notice, this years dinner was not as fancy as last year, when I believe we had salmon served on a bed of romaine, garnished with lemon and avocado!  However, traditions are important so I put a quick plan into motion and got the kitchen ready (last year it was the dining room), and threw together a nice meal.  Gia waked into the room and her eyes lit up.  She said "this party looks wonderful!".
Here she is sitting down, waiting for the rest of us slow pokes to get with the program.  She was ready for this party to begin!

It's on rare occasion that we have a table cloth in the kitchen, and even more rare that we let the girls drink out of real glasses!  I should mention that it was ME who broke one of the glasses.  The girls did just fine.
The meal turned out fantastic (not bad for just throwing it all together!), and the girls loved having candles on the table.  Here's a picture of both of them enjoying the dinner.  Please note we turned the TV off as soon as everyone was seated.  No TV during dinner at our house!

After dinner D.R. and I were entertained as the girls put on a show of dancing, singing, and tumbling.  Tia told us that parties are supposed to have dancing.  She knows these things.
All in all, it was a great evening, and it's been a great 4 years.  Of course we miss our 'home' in New York, and our family and dear friends.  But, I must say we've been happy here.  We have adjusted nicely.
It is truly a Happy Anniversary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you're here!!!!

I remember I used to do these fancy dinners at home when we were newly married. After we had kids, never did that. Your party looks like so much fun!