Friday, July 16, 2010

Tia Plays Piano

My in-laws promised Tia that she could start piano lessons when she turned 4. She was so excited when we told her we found a place and she could start this summer. She has had 3 lessons so far. I really don't know what goes on in there because I have to wait outside with Gia, but Tia seems to enjoy it and looks forward to going back each week. There are only 3 kids in the class so there's a lot of individual attention. She may also like it because I take her out for ice cream afterward, but I'll keep telling myself it's the lessons she looks forward to!
I hope that both of our girls grow up with an appreciation of music, and at least a basic knowledge of how to read sheet music. Hey, if they decide to become extraordinary musicians, that's great too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...that's awesome!!!

Where are you taking them? Noah went near the Huntley Mall(by Anna's recommendation)