Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire!

I was thinking about how often I lie to my kids, and if it's the right thing to do. There was a segment about this on the Rachael Ray show not too long ago. Of course I didn't have the time to actually watch the show, so I don't know what the verdict was.
Randy Pausch said in his book that his advice to his kids is "Tell the truth, all the time".
Well, I lie to my kids, Tia in particular, all the time! Here are some examples.

When she really doesn't want to take a nap, and asks to watch TV instead, I tell her "Caillou is taking his nap right now too". I have even secretly turned the cable off, so I can turn on the TV and show here that nothings there, everyone's napping. She believes me.

If I go shopping with the kids, they usually will pick out a toy to play with while we are there. When I am done, I tell them "This toy doesn't belong to us so you have to go put it back now". I guess that one isn't exactly lying, but they don't know that I could actually buy the item. They just believe they are only allowed to borrow the toys in stores. Tia almost doesn't believe this one any more.

Occasionally Tia will wake up at 5am. thinking it's time to start her day. I tuck her back in and tell her it's still night time. I have also been known to add "It's still dark out, it's against the rules to get out of bed before the sun comes up". Once again, she believes me!

Is this so bad? Can we really tell the truth, ALL THE TIME? I am sure my mom did some fibbing to us when we were little. I'll have to ask her about this one.

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